JGMC Bylaws
Jeep Girl Mafia Bylaws:
Jeep Girl Mafia Club Bylaws
Definition of Bylaws:
These bylaws serve as a set of regulations adopted by Jeep Girl Mafia Inc. for the governance and administration of its affairs.
Section 1: Purpose
A. The overarching purpose of Jeep Girl Mafia, hereinafter referred to as "the Club," is to establish a social organization for individuals interested in the restoration, modification, and promotion of female Jeep drivers and special interest off-road vehicles.
B. The specific objectives of the Club are as follows:
1. To promote interest in said vehicles to the general public and to unite individuals with similar interests.
2. To encourage family participation in such activities.
3. To foster friendship and support through organizational functions held by the Club and other affiliated entities.
4. To raise funds for charitable purposes through various means, including but not limited to car shows, car cruises, toy runs, merchandise sales, etc.
Section 2: Membership
Membership is open to female individuals aged 18 and older who are interested in advancing the purposes of the Club.
Membership classification is as follows:
- Full Member: Female Jeep owners who are of legal age (18).
- Pit Crew/Family Member: Spouses or significant others of full members and all children under the age of 18 residing in the same household as said member.
Section 3: Membership Type Vehicles
To fulfill the general purpose, all Jeep vehicle years, makes, and models are eligible for membership. Vehicles may be modified or stock.
Club Rules and Regulations:
1. Members must demonstrate respect for other members, other clubs, and the community.
2. Members shall adhere to safe driving practices and comply with alcoholic beverage consumption laws.
3. Members are expected to conduct themselves in a mature, adult manner when representing the Club.
4. Members are encouraged to participate in club-sponsored events and meetings whenever possible.
5. Members should offer assistance to fellow members whenever necessary.
6. If a member's actions or activities are deemed detrimental to the Club, its members, or its reputation, the member may be dismissed from the Club.
7. Members assume all liability for personal safety and property damage at club-sponsored events.
8. Club rules and regulations are subject to change.
9. Decisions made by the Board of Directors are final.
By joining, members and participants, as well as their guests, release Jeep Girl Mafia Corp and any associated parties from any liabilities arising from participation in club events.
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